Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Jennie's Fashion

I'm so glad my last set of photos was so well received.  I've posted links to all the items I wore in it ( people really liked the boots). These are great for synthetik partners if you looking buy them something nice & sexy. 



Hair pins


Sunday, April 19, 2020

delayed again

I cant believe its been delayed again. Of course its understandable with what is going  on why it wont be in theaters but, why not just put it on a streaming service.  I'd pay to rent it on Amazon/apple/Google. The whole  thing is just frustrating.  I really like the title  "Thrice Upon a Time" and the poster is interesting too. Shinji in the far background, on the train tracks. What does it mean? ..I'll just have to wait to find out...cause it delayed....again. UGH!😭

Little Black Dress